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Woman smiling after successful TMS depression treatment.

Discover TMS Therapy

What is TMS Depression Treatment?

TMS or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive procedure that uses pulsating magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in select brain areas to improve symptoms of depression, OCD, and other neuropsychiatric conditions.


Rates of depression and anxiety have tripled since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. These are unprecedented times, but TMS therapy can help!

TMS is highly effective. 

TMS is highly effective and an alternate option to depression medications. In a Brainsway study, 75% of participants achieved a positive clinical response to TMS depression treatment, and half achieved remission.

TMS is a long-lasting depression treatment. 

Over two-thirds of patients retain their response one year after completing a cycle of TMS. Additionally, over 80% of patients who relapse respond to a second round of TMS therapy.

TMS saves lives. 

TMS is a lifesaver for people who feel like they are out of options. Over one-third of people with depression do not achieve remission from depression medications. Depression and anxiety medications can also produce unwanted side effects such as fatigue, drowsiness, weight gain, nausea, sexual problems, and much more.

We offer TMS treatment for patients with:


  • Major Depressive Disorder 

  • Treatment-Resistant Depression 

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Anxiety

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Schizophrenia

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • PTSD

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Migraine Headaches

Couple smiling after sucessful depression treatment.


FDA Cleared

Safe & Non-Invasive

Highly Effective



Virtually free of side effects

FDA-approved for depression and OCD

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